The debate of having a fringe (bangs) against the argument for a fringe is something which has been winding me up quite alot recently. I have always had a fringe, either side or full, and then, as summer approached I simply left it to grow, and grow and grow a little more and now I have no fringe whatsoever. My hair dresser keeps asking what exactly it is doing.
She will ask 'Is it a middle parting now?' or 'are we attempting layers around the face?'
My answer to this is always 'I dont know' and I um and ahhh about what to have done while she just trims my ends and yet here I am 6 months later with no change. Not even a slight trim around the face...nothing!
And this is leaving me with quite a large dilemna! Its amazing how much my hair means to me, and Im sure to most women all over the world, but the fact it is so important to me only makes my final decision harder! Do I have the fringe cut back in?!
Part of me is screaming 'HAIR GROWS!' but the other part of me is scared for the outcome. You know what I mean, when you have a change and people you barely even know say... 'Oh god dont you look a lot better, I never liked that look on you' or something along them lines, which leaves you questioning your own opinion of yourself. Now I am a firm believer of the old 'who cares' method but I dont want to be walking along and people to think...'what a large forehead..get a fringe'. I mean on the other hand they may be saying 'gosh doesnt she look like Abbey Clancy' now then I would be chuffed and my hair would never again be cut! However untill I actually hear someone give me such a compliment I will have to stick to flipping a coin, or drawing my options from a hat.
Oh the joys of being a woman ;)
B xo